Investing in demographic and social change

Investing in demographic and social change

Investing in demographic and social change

how do you identify those areas on which to build a long-term investment strategy?

Investing in demographic and social change

Demographics and social change; climate change and resource scarcity; technological innovation; urbanization. These are the four Mega Trends at the basis of what one may call a thematic approach to investing. A method whose benefits are clearly stated and explained in the book One Million for my Daughter by Italian trader Pietro Di Lorenzo.

The volume has many tips and is worth reading. To give you a hint on how to modulate investments on these trends, let’s take a closer look at each of the them. You’ll get a taste of what their transformative potential is.

Demographic and social changes

Demographic and social changes will provide challenges and opportunities for both society and business. So how do you identify those areas on which to build a long-term investment strategy? By looking at some of the underlying forces behind this Mega Trend.

Global healthcare spending, for example, will increase – from the $7.7 trillion of 2017- to over $10 trillion in 2022. To meet the demands of age-related diseases, companies will need solutions that offer quality care at a much lower cost to patients. The Coronavirus pandemic could cause a monopoly of technology in this area as well, which, to date at least, still seems to stand on the pillars of human capital.

Speculation about the increased use of remote diagnostics and telemedicine is becoming increasingly realistic. The term “telemedicine” was coined in the 1970s and literally means “remote healing.” It involves the use of technology to improve patient outcomes by increasing access to medical care and information. Technologies such as Cloud Computing, 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) can therefore help streamline healthcare delivery and align it with changing consumer preferences.

It is by allocating our investments in companies who work with these technologies that one could benefit from the transformative power of mega trends.

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Pietro Di Lorenzo