Wanna have stable finances? Wage is not enough

Wanna have stable finances? Wage is not enough

Wanna have stable finances? Wage is not enough

If you think money will make you rich, think again

Wanna have stable finances? Wage is not enough

Covid-19 has had a very significant economic impact on households. This is a fact. Many people, have found themselves unequipped to overcome the crisis. Self-employed people have seen their income fluctuate, employed personnel, even in “mega” multinational companies, have lost their jobs.

If, in future, you’d want to avoid, at all cost, the feeling of the world falling on you, in addition to earning money you will also have to learn how to manage and multiply it.

That’s why your wage is not enough! At least, it no longer is today.

If you want to provide your family with a secure financial future, these are the areas you should take care of:

  1. how to earn money by doing your job;
  2. how to manage money in a functional way for one’s own projects;
  3. how to multiply capital by investing it correctly.

Put in different words, nowadays, your duty as a parent does not end with working hard to bring as much income as possible into a family. This is a pre-requisite, but by itself it may not be enough to take care of your family.

And this is true regardless of one’s own social status, points 2 and 3 are much more important than the first.

Think of a fruit garden. The ones you reap will only be good if you give the plants everything they need and in the right amount. It doesn’t matter if the garden is in the park of a super villa or in front of a small grandma’s house.

Money doesn’t make you rich

If you think money will make you rich, think again. The richest person is not the one who has the most money or the most assets, but the one who has the ability to stay longer without working and without changing their standard of living. This is only possible because the annuities he has generated manage to produce automatic cash flows.

If you want to know how to do this, visit www.onemillionformydaughter.com


Pietro Di Lorenzo