La gestione del Portafoglio (Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo)
La gestione del Portafoglio (Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo)
Riassunto capitolo 7
In questo capitolo viene spiegato come gestire e manutenere il portafoglio che porterà al milione. In particolare vengono fornite delle strategie per mitigare il rischio e dunque adeguate a chi ha una logica più conservativa.
Vengono spiegate le tecniche per il ribilanciamento del portafoglio e illustrare le strategie per consolidare i profitti e come procedere in fase di chiusura del piano di accumulo sia per monetizzare immediatamente che per ottenere una rendita periodica.
Infine viene spiegato come pianificare un “piano B” qualora non tutto proceda come auspicavamo
Summary of Chapter 7
This chapter explains how to manage and maintain the portfolio that will lead to the million. Strategies are provided to mitigate risk, which are therefore appropriate for those having a more conservative approach.
Portfolio rebalancing techniques are explained and strategies are described to consolidate profits, as well as how to proceed when closing the savings plan, either cashing in the amount immediately or obtaining a regular income.
How to organize a “plan B” is also explained, if not everything proceeds according to our expectations.
Summary of Chapter 7
This chapter explains how to manage and maintain the portfolio that will lead to the million. Strategies are provided to mitigate risk, which are therefore appropriate for those having a more conservative approach.
Portfolio rebalancing techniques are explained and strategies are described to consolidate profits, as well as how to proceed when closing the savings plan, either cashing in the amount immediately or obtaining a regular income.
How to organize a “plan B” is also explained, if not everything proceeds according to our expectations.